Business news

Paskelbtas EUREKA programos kvietimas – galimybė tapti matomais bei konkurencingais tarptautiniu mastu

Paskelbus tarptautinės EUREKA programos kvietimą teikti paraiškas pagal priemonę „MTEP rezultatų komercinimas ir tarptautiškumo skatinimas“, Mokslo, inovacijų ir technologijų agentūra (MITA) vėl laukia mokslo-verslo projektų. Bendras kvietimui numatytas finansavimas siekia 1 831 674 eurų, o didžiausia galima finan

The Investment of EU Funds in Lithuania: What to Expect During the 2014-2020 Period?

According to the 2014-2020 EU financial framework for the 2014-2020 programming period, Lithuania will be provided funding of 44 billion LTL; of them a sum of about 23 billion LTL is composed of the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, and the Cohesion Fund: the EU’s cohesion policy investments. The most important document that sets out what socio-economic changes will be aimed at investing these EU funds in Lithuania is the 2014-2020 EU Structural Funds Action Programme.


Progress Microfinance loans worth €182 million given to over 20,000 entrepreneurs for start-ups and expansion

More than 20,000 entrepreneurs have already benefited from loans and guarantees worth a total of €182 million under the European Progress Microfinance Facility, according to the latest European Commission report about the implementation of this financial instrument.

In particular, the report finds that Progress Microfinance has significantly contributed to job creation, by enabling credit for unemployed or inactive people struggling to borrow money from financial institutions.


Improving Productivity and Environmental Performance of Aquaculture

Installment 5 of Creating a Sustainable Food Future explores the potential role of aquaculture in meeting global fish demand in 2050, finding that aquaculture production will need to more than double by midcentury. We examine scenarios of aquaculture’s growth and environmental impacts in 2050 and close with a series of recommendations for how to sustainably grow aquaculture production.

From Concept towards Business Solutions: 72 Technology Company Launches

The first reviews of the Innovative Business Promotion (INOVEKS) project, as well as its achievements were presented at the September 17 Innovative Business Launch event held at the Ministry of Economy. Partner universities and science and technology parks from Vilnius, Kaunas, and Klaipėda regions presented and introduced the participants of the event to 72 technological companies and their achievements and shared experiences.

72 Technology Company Launches Thanks To INOVEKS

The Innovative Business Promotion (INOVEKS) project executed by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) and funded by the Ministry of Economy was met with great interest: 411 technical ideas were submitted for the project, and 72 of them have become startups. The INOVEKS project encourages entrepreneurship at universities, helps create employment opportunities for students, young scientists and researchers, and also reduces so-called brain drain.

