
Present founders and members of Nemunas Valley Association (after 23/01/2014):

Aleksandras Stulginskis University,

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy,

Kaunas University of Technology,

Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry:

        Institute of Forestry,

        Institute of Horticulture,

        Institute of Agriculture,

UAB Concern Achemos grupė,

UAB Arvi and co ,

AB "Kauno grūdai",

Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association LITBIOMA,

Institute of Baltic Agribusiness ,

Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service,

The Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics,

Mykolas Romeris University,

UAB "Enerstena VS",

MB "Biogeba",

Vytautas Magnus University,

UAB „Euromedienos grupė“,

Public Institution St. Ignatius of Loyola College,

Public Institution Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre.



The founders of Nemunas Valley that signed agreement on joint activities (partnership) on 26 September 2007:

Lithuanian University of Agriculture – an initiator,

Lithuanian Veterinary Academy – an initiator,

Water Institute of Lithuanian University of Agriculture,

Agricultural Engineering Institute of Lithuanian University of Agriculture,

Institute of Animal Science of Veterinary Academy,

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Veterinary Academy,

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture,

Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture

Lithuanian Institute of Forestry,

Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology,

Department of Food Science and Technology of Kaunas University of Technology.

Business representatives who participated in the foundation of Nemunas Valley and signing of the agreement on 26 September 2007:

Plants for the Future, Biomass and Biofuel Production and Use, Animal Health and Welfare, Food and Forest Sector national technology platforms approved of establishing Nemunas Valley.

UAB Concern Achemos grupė“,

UAB Arvi and co,

AB ,,Kauno grūdai“,

UAB „Utenos mėsa“,

Lithuanian association of biofuel producers and suppliers LITBIOMA,

UAB „Vakarų medienos grupė“,

Association of Lithuanian Companies for Melioration,,

Institute of Baltic Agribusiness,

UAB "Mestilla".

Initiative of creating Nemunas Valley was supported by:

Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania,

The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists,

The Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts,

Lithuanian Veterinary Association,

Lithuanian Union of Zootechnicians,

Lithuanian Association of Agricultural Companies.

Plants for the Future, Biomass and Biofuel Production and Use, Animal Health and Welfare, Food and Forest Sector national technology platforms approved of establishing Nemunas Valley.


On 5 February 2009 Nemunas Valley Association was established for coordination of the Valley activities. Founders of the Association:

On 5 February 2009 Nemunas Valley Association was established for coordination of the Valley activities.

Founders of the Association:

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, Water Institute of Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering Institute of Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Institute of Animal Science of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Institute of Forestry, Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, UAB Concern Achemos grupė, UAB Arvi and co, AB Kauno grūdai, Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association LITBIOMA, Institute of Baltic Agribusiness, UAB Mestilla. Members that joined Nemunas Valley Association after its establishment: Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service, The Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, Mykolas Romeris University, UAB Elinta VS. 

Information was renewed on 23/01/2014